Fest Spotlight On Baby Wants Candy

Today's Spotlight is on BABY WANTS CANDY. They are an improv group that offers up a one hour improvised musical. In addition to great critical reviews, Baby Wants Candy has great street creds. Every improvist that this blogger has talked to is eagerly waiting for a chance to see BWC at the fest. Seats will probably fill up fast for their shows (check the dccomedyfest schedule for your chance to see them at the fest).
We got Emily Dorezas, Baby Wants Candy's Executive Producer, to answer some questions to help you decide to come check out their shows.
dccf: How do the members of Baby Wants Candy describe the show to their friends and families?
Emily: Improvised musical Simpson's Episode
dccf: Who makes up the cast of Baby Wants Candy?
Emily: On Stage we have 7 people that we rotate in from a cast of 25. We are accompanied by our piano player or full band.
dccf: What kinds of suggestions have you all gotten for shows in the past? Any favorites?
Emily: "Maple Syrup Urine Disease", "The Revenge of Thomas Jefferson","I Just Slept With my Best Friend's Girlfriend"
dccf: In musical improv, are there some types of suggestions that are more difficult to work with than others?
Emily: Typically what is a challenge for one person may come easier for another with in the group. We try to cast a show with a variety of strengths.
dccf: What is the most interesting review a Baby Wants Candy show has received from an audience member?
Emily: We thought we were coming to see a burlesque show and this was kind of like that.
dccf: Is there anything dccomedyfest audiences need to do to prepare for the Baby Wants Candy experience?
Emily: Think of a title of a musical you want to see that has never been performed before and be ready with it as soon as BWC asks the crowd for a suggestion.
dccf: Anything you want make sure dccomedyfest blog readers to know about Baby Wants Candy that we haven't covered?
Emily: Some folks don't know that we've done over 1300 different musicals and typically Fleming farts on stage.
Thanks Emily for filling us in. Now that you are prepared for what to expect, start thinking of titles for musicals you want to see. Just remember it could be your wife or grandmother sitting next to you that gets out their title first. So be prepared to yell out "Abe Lincoln Vs. The Gobots" if that is what you really want to see rather their equally interesting suggestion of "A Tale of Two Snack Cakes". On second thought, those suggestions are already taken for an upcoming episode of Judge Judy, so best to come up with your own original suggestions. Long story short, don't miss BABY WANTS CANDY performing what could be your idea for a musical! Take that Andrew Lloyd Weber!
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