The Elephant Larry Interview - A Taste of the Fest

We know you are dying to find out more about the guys who make up Elephant Larry, so we sent Elephant Larry Spokesmen Chris Principe some questions we had for him and the other guys. The guys, via Chris, were kind enough to respond to our inquiries. So grab a beverage, kick your feet up, and enjoy "The Elephant Larry Interview":
Q: We understand that you guys started off doing sketch comedy at Cornell University as part of their campus sketch group the Skits-O-Phrenics. What drew the five of you to stay together and form Elephant Larry in New York City?
A: It was actually pretty organic. Stefan and Alex graduated in 1999, moving down to New York shortly after. We all felt we had something good going on in the Skits-O-Phrenics, so when Jeff, Geoff, and I finished school three years later, we approached Alex and Stefan about forming a five guy group in New York. They said no, and that's how Elephant Larry never existed and why this entire interview's a lie.
Q: Where did the name Elephant Larry come from?
A: After a full summer of brainstorming hundreds of stupid names, we finally settled on what we all agreed to be a great one: Phantlar. Then we all went to bed, woke up, and realized that Phantlar was a bad, stupid name that didn't mean anything. So we changed it to Elephant Larry. Look extra closely and you might be able to figure out why...
Q: You guys are getting great press where ever you go. What is this kind of success doing to the group's dynamic?
A: If you mean, has our success put a strain on the group? No. Did that night we all got a little drunk and had sex with each other put a strain on the group? Maybe.
Q: What is the weirdest place that Elephant Larry has found an idea for a sketch?
A: Under the couch cushions. HAHAHA. Kidding. Really, every place could be considered "weird," whether it's an old French text book, or the Nutrition Board's Orange Juice information website.
Q: What would your mothers tell us about the Elephant Larry experience?
A: That they feel completely shut out of the process.
Q: What would you guys be doing if you weren't doing Elephant Larry?
A: That's easy. Jeff would be an indie rocker, Geoff would be a psychologist, Stefan would be a graphic designer, and Alex would be a theater director. As for me, I'd be crying in the dark somewhere.
Q: Who are Elephant Larry's favorite sketch groups? Do you consider any of them influential on Elephant Larry's style?
A: The State, definitely. They brought idea-driven, tight sketch writing to the mainstream (sort of). Other members might say Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, or SNL. Although in general, we like specific sketches more than specific groups.
Q: What is the strangest complement that Elephant Larry has ever received?
A: "A Kind of Bizarre Innocence"
Q: Any favorite complements?
A: Winning both the audience and jury awards at the Bass Red Triangle Comedy Competition was a huge complement. You can't get much better than winning both fan and critical acclaim. So that felt nice.
Q: This will be Elephant Larry's second trip to DC for a dccomedyfest event. What can our audience expect to see this time around?
A: Well, Alexander Zalben for one. He couldn't make it last year, so we had to perform without him. This time the District will experience Elephant Larry in its full, five-pronged glory.
Q: Lastly, anything you want us to make sure dccomedyfest blog readers know about?
A: Nothing other than that we're super-psyched and mega-honored to be performing as part of the DCCF. If you ever find yourself cold and stranded in New York, come check out our weekly show. It's nice and warm and there might even be some food for you to eat.

Just in case this isn't enough for you here, be sure to check out for show info, videos, and more! You can also join their blog-worthy adventures at
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