Interview with Rob Cantrell

Yep, that's right Rob Cantrell. Rob grew up right here in our area, went off to pursue happiness and fame, and now comes back on occasion to show his city of origin a little of the funny that made him famous. We got him to answer a few questions just for you.
dccf: Hey Rob, thanks for taking the time to talk with us again. It’s been a year since we last talked to you. We are looking forward to having you back at this year’s dccomedyfest. What have you been up to since last year’s fest? Any highlights you want to share with us?
Rob: I made Theatrical debut in Chicago in The Marijuana-logues with Doug Benson and Tony Camin last week. That was huge and so the Yacht bought with Fat Joe last September.
dccf: We saw that you were just in DC for a show with Zach Galifianakis at Lisner Auditorium. How was that experience?
Rob: It rocked!! Zach is super talented. He is the only pianist that I know that can dip Copenhagen tobacco and smoke crack at the same time.
dccf: Along with Zach, who have been some of the performers you have performed with over the years? Any dream match-ups for a One Night Only show?
Rob: Sarah Silverman, Tracy Morgan, Mitch Hedberg, Arj Barker, Dave Attell, Lewis Black and Todd Barry. ///Chappelle or Chris Rock would be my dream line up.
dccf: Is your DC fan base different from the fans you encounter else where in the U.S.? Rob: I really don't make it back to DC as much as I would like but everytime I am in town I am doing something new and I think my fans appreciate that.. ... They have seen me grow like a flower..An extremely hetero-sexual flower.
dccf: On the CD page of your web site (, you appear in a Karate outfit. Any chance you are vying for a Jackie Chan styled role in an upcoming film?
Rob: Yeah, that photo is for my album which is tentatively titled "Exile On Lame Street". On the Chan film? Nope, I'm an old school Bruce Lee motherfucker.
dccf: This year on your “What’s Happenin’…” space on your website you have a link to a video clip of you performing? Are there any other good places for folks looking to check out a little more of your material before coming to see you at this year’s dccomedyfest?
dccf: What is the strangest place you have found the idea for one of your jokes or bits?
Rob: In jail.
dccf: Stand-up must have a lot of moments for you where you just have laugh off how strange or surreal something that just happened to you. Was there one moment you could share with us where you were like “I don’t even think I would believe me that that just happened!!!”?
Rob: I grew wings and I took a shit on a cop in mid flight.
dccf: For dccomedyfest audience members who haven’t been lucky enough to see you perform yet, what can they expect to see? And is there a special treat for people who did catch you last year (or several times since)?
Rob: I keep it real and I have new sweatshirt.
dccf: Anything you want us to make sure dccomedyfest blog readers know about this year?
Rob: My show is 7pm Friday @ HR-57, I love you in a very hetero-sexual flower way.. Check me out!
Want to get more pre-fest samples of Rob before you come to the fest? Tune into 106.7 FREEFM on Friday Morning April 13th to hear Rob Cantrell on the Sports Junkies. Then make a bee line to the fest to see his show (the seats will fill fast).