Interview With Jon Dore

Not only is Jon Dore comic who's impeccable timing thrills audiences everywhere he goes, but he has also become a household name as the Roving Reporter for 3 Seasons of Canada's #1 TV Show, Canadian Idol (okay those houses are in Canada, but it still counts). He is a main stay at the Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal, and was the 2006 Winner of the Canadian Comedy Awards for Best Stand Up Newcomer. If that is not enough he has his own television series in development with CTV & The Comedy Network.
Jon took some time to answer a few of our questions. So without further ado, let's meet a comedian who is sure to be a favorite at this year's fest.... Jon Dore!
dccf: Thanks for taking time to answer a few questions for the dccomedyfest blog readers. Let’s start right off with an important question, how did it feel to be “hailed by TV GUIDE as one of Canada's top ‘rising stars of the future’”?
Jon: I liked being hailed. I had never been hailed before. It was my first hailing and I think I learned a lot from being hailed.
dccf: We are sure that part of this accolade can be contributed to your participation in the Canadian Idol phenomenon. How has that experience been for you?
Jon: Canadian Idol was a wonderful experience. I would rank it 2nd to being hailed.
dccf: What was the highlight of the Canadian Idol experience for you?
Jon: I got to meet Lionel Ritchie aka Nicole's Dad...He signed my breasts. Hail Lionel.
dccf: You are currently in the middle of Hosting the Just For Laughs National Homegrown Comic Competition, how is that going?
Jon: It's been a blast. I've had the opportunity to travel the country and see some hilarious comics. I'd hail them as fantastic.
dccf: The Just For Laughs National Homegrown Comic Competition must be full of chances to have fun and see tons of new acts. How does it feel to be Hosting a competition you once competed in?
Jon: It feels like Canada is giving birth to 10 talented comedians every night and I am there to say push. I would rank it 3rd to being hailed.
dccf: We were reading that you recently got your own show on The Comedy Network, The Jon Dore Show. How did you celebrate such a big moment in your life?
Jon: I threw out my suicide note and called my mom. I am now going to type an exclamation point!
dccf: We see that you appear to go back and forth between having a beard and not having a beard. When did you start going back and forth, and should we start taking bets as which look we will see you in at the fest?
Jon: I hail this question to be rude, superficial, and almost racist...I will answer it. I have a rare genetic condition that causes a random hormonal imbalance resulting in the loss of facial hair. Also...It causes me to lie.
dccf: What is the strangest, yet still positive, compliment you have received after a performance?
Jon: "You're the funniest Asian comic I've seen!"
dccf: Relatives often say the strangest things about what comedians are doing for a living or about their performance style. What has been the best or strangest review you have received from a family member?
Jon: Dad: "I could barely hear your jokes over your mother's heckling"
Mom:"Great set...Can you pay my tab?"dccf: Is there anything you want to make sure dccomedyfest audiences know before coming to see you at the fest?
Jon: I would like the audiences in DC to keep in mind that: Laughter Is The Best Medicine. It's been proven. People who laugh, live longer than people with terminal diseases. Gotta go hail a cab. Love, Jon.
So DC you have it straight from Jon himself, go hail a cab and come check him out at the dccomedyfest. Check out our shows page to find out when you can see Jon and all our other great acts. Don't miss him at our benefit for the Brain Tumor Society on THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 2007. There will be a Post-show kick-off party at Bar Rouge. Hail a cab on your way home from that too.
Be sure to check out for some cool videos and other info about Jon.
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